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SELF SOVEREIGNTY: the ability to choose the direction of one’s own life,

and being the exclusive authority over one’s own body and mind.


Sovereign is an in-depth 9 month 1:1 guided reclamation journey

that includes coaching, energy healing & ceremony

it's deep-dive with space for integration and embodiment

not only will be re-program the conscious & subconscious mind

clear blocks and outdated stories

we will reconnect to the wisdom of the body

nourish and heal the nervous system

and set you free


within sovereign, we will unravel the following:



core values clarity, your foundational astrology

your human design, authority and numerology


week 5 integration

1:1 Himalayan Kriya yoga energy healing  


week 6-9 YOUR NATURE

living cyclically, your natural rhythms 

self-trust, intuition & body wisdom

nervous system regulation, grounding

healing through nature, eros, passion & desire


week 10

menarche / body reclamation ceremony


week 11-15 YOUR SELF

radical self-acceptance, your inner child 

inner teenager, self-forgiveness

purpose and life path, dharma  

self assurance and releasing self-doubt 


week 16 integration 

1:1 Himalayan Kriya yoga energy healing  



integrating your shadow self 

releasing self-sabotage patterns 

your blocks, limiting beliefs and big fears


week 21 integration 

1:1 Himalayan Kriya yoga energy healing  


week 22-32 YOUR ENERGY

energy body anatomy 

chakra healing for each chakra

harmonizing your masculine and feminine energies

full-spectrum divine feminine embodiment

dropping into soul purpose 


week 33

authentic self commitment ceremony


this program is for those who:


  • want to unlock a potent blueprint to personal empowerment and deep self-understanding

  • are ready to take their growth & healing to the next level

  • are feeling ready to invest in the support, guidance & accountability needed for a quantum leap experience

  • are wanting to learn how to support themselves through a deeper understanding of their energy bodies and their energetic needs

"When I reached out to Riley I was stuck in, what seemed like, every aspect of my life. I've been on my personal wellness journey for roughly 5 years but was at a stand still and I felt hopeless... like life was happening TO me and my only option was to hold on. She gave me some amazing tools to help myself, an unbelievable amount of information, and got me thinking in more unconventional ways so I could really dive deeper. Not only am I more understanding and loving to myself but I have this new insight to help me continue to grow, be authentic, and have confidence that I am in control of my own life.I felt a huge difference in the very first week of working with Riley and look forward to going on one of her retreats sometime soon! Not only is she knowledgeable and full of insight but she's also cool as shit so if you're still debating on whether to take the plunge, just do it already!"



what my clients say..







Digital Entrepreneur Program

( 4 months )

Ready to tap into your purpose and the infinite abundance available to you?  For those ready to create an online income doing something they're truly passionate about -  but aren't sure where to start.


1:1 coaching sessions

Personalized homework

Accountability & support

Part 1: Mindset around business - dismantling specific fears and limiting beliefs around entrepreneurship and taking risks, showing up and playing big, money mindset obstacles etc


Part 2: Structuring your dream online business - getting clear on exactly who you want to help, identifying your niche, creating an exciting program / offer, laying out your exact vision. 


Part 3: How to be an effective coach - Learning how to hold space for people, leading them to breakthroughs, how to ask the right questions and ensure people see progress. 


Part 4: Creating your online income and growing a presence  - marketing, how to leverage social media, how to find prospective clients, how to build an email list, how to convert people from lead to client. 

After completing your 16 weeks of 1:1 coaching, you also gain access to my Digital Entrepreneur community - other motivated, inspiring entrepreneurial women who have stepped into their own power and purpose and created the business of their dreams using this program as a launching pad. We have a support chat, monthly trainings and community calls.

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